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CBSE Class 10 Maths Exam 2021: Check Tips to Solve Case Study Based Questions Accurately


Case Study Question in Mathematics

Here is an example of a case study based question for class 10 Mathematics.

Case Study based Questions
Suresh is having a garden near Delhi. In the garden, there are different types of trees and flower plants. One day due to heavy rain and storm one of the trees got broken as shown in the figure.
The height of the unbroken part is 15 m and the broken part of the tree has fallen at 20 m away from the base of the tree.

Using the Pythagoras answer the following questions:

  1. What is the length of the broken part?
    1. 15 m
    2. 20 m
    3. 25 m
    4. 30 m
  2. What was the height of the full tree?
    1. 40 m
    2. 50 m
    3. 35 m
    4. 30 m
  3. In the formed right-angle triangle what is the length of the hypotenuse?
    1. 15 m
    2. 20 m
    3. 25 m
    4. 30m
  4. What is the area of the formed right angle triangle?
    1. 100 m2
    2. 200 m2
    3. 60 m2
    4. 150 m2     For More Practise -- click here
  5. What is the perimeter of the formed triangle?
    1. 60 m
    2. 50 m
    3. 45 m
    4. 100 m

How to Solve Case-Based Questions?

Questions based on a given case study are normally taken from real-life situations. These are certainly related to the concepts provided in the textbook but the plot of the question is always based on a day-to-day life problem. There will be all MCQs or objective questions only based on the case study. So, the case-based questions can be answered as a very short answer. Simply, write down the correct option. Need not explain the solution in detail.

For More Practise -- click here


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