NTSE-STAGE 1 ECONOMICS QUESTION BANK PART-I Q uestion 1. Which of the following activity is an economic activity? (a) A friendly match played between two classes and school (b) Caring of children by parents (c) Teacher teaching in a school (d) Assembly of a school Answer: (c). Question 2. The form of Indian Economy is: (a) Capitalist (b) Socialist (c) Mixed (d) None of these Answer: (c). Question 3 Which of the following types of economy gives the right of personal property of the citizens? (a) Capitalist (b) Socialist (c) Both capitalist and socialist (d) None of these Answer: (a). Question 4. Which of the following is not the merit of a mixed economy? (a) Guardian of personal freedom (b) Loss of class struggle (c) More satisfaction to consumers (d) Control over economic ups and downs Answer: (c). Question 5. How man is presented in ancient economic thought? (a) Economic ma...